Jed Decaneo's Blog

Just another world you want to live!

Tourism is the charlotte chamber as its three days of inter-city visit New York

We have city officials traveling to NYC to check out how NY lives at 3900.00 a day per head, but we have foster children that DSS will not provide clothes, underwear, socks, coats, and shoes for because there is no longer a fund for that but Mary Wilson is trying to fight for her job in hearings this week. 


Tourism is the charlotte chamber as its three days of inter-city visit New York, and leopard owner jerry Richardson to the short participants said. The team has not yet formally request city charlotte get financial aid, but many city leaders believe they will be asked to help pay for renovations of 16 years old stadium.

The city council vote closed session last month for urban workers meet panther, the mayor Anthony fox has invited Richardson to discuss his stadium upfit plan.